Baking Soda Uses for Beauty - Bawang Bawangan

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Baking Soda Uses for Beauty

Baking soda is material for making sweet snacks made from Sodium Bicarbonate or Sodium Bicarbonate. Besides baking soda, we also know baking powder. Both are different. Baking soda is pure natrum bicarbonate, while baking powder is sodium bicarbonate which has been mixed with acid (cream of tartar) and drying material (starch).

However, besides being used to create sweet snacks so they can expand, baking soda can also be used as material for beauty treatments. Among them for the treatment of skin, face, hair, nails and feet. In fact, a Hollywood artist, Emma Stone claims to use baking soda to treat her facial beauty.

Benefits of Baking Soda for Beauty
Benefits of Baking Soda for Beauty

Benefits of Baking Soda for Beauty

Well, here is a review of the benefits of baking soda as a beauty treatment material and how to apply it.

Baking soda for face scrubs

Baking soda is a natural material for facial beauty treatments. The trick, mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda with water until thick and shaped like a paste. Use this mixture as a facial scrub that erodes dead skin cells. You can also mix it with cleansing milk. This trick is much cheaper and natural than facial scrubs that are sold in beauty shops.

Treating bumps on the face

Wash your face thoroughly, then apply a baking soda mask to the face evenly. Leave on for ten minutes then rinse with warm water. How to make it the same as creating a scrub. This herb is effective for removing lumps and blackheads.

Overcome oily face

Mix baking soda with water and raw oats to form a paste-like mixture. Apply the mixture to the entire face and rub gently in a circle. The combination of oats and baking soda is great for dealing with excess oil on the face and clearing clogged pores.

Benefits of baking soda for nails

Besides good for facial beauty treatments, you can also use baking soda to treat nails. Clean the nails first, then rub with baking soda paste using an unused toothbrush.

Benefits of baking soda for hair

Mix baking soda with shampoo with the same amount of takara then use it to wash it. This method will make your hair more hygienic than just shampooing using just shampoo.

Benefits of baking soda for caring for feet

In addition to treating nails, sodium bicarbonate can also be used to treat dull and cracked feet. Provide warm water in a vessel then mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Soak the feet in the water for a few minutes while rubbing them in a cracked place.

Remove black spots on the face

Besides being able to deal with acne, you can use sodium bicarbonate to get rid of black spots on the face as well as blackheads. The trick, mix a cup of milk mixed with 1 tablespoon baking soda so that it becomes a paste mixture. Use as a scrub.

Baking soda is also very good if used to treat sunburned skin. Even some people use baking soda as a comb and brush cleaner. Good luck.

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